GA Heimlift GmbH, a leading European solution and service provider of home lifts,
provides advanced products and services to the world based on high European standards of design.

Safe and reliable machine-room-less design

European EN81 elevator standard

Commercial elevator-level safety features

High-standard components are certified in Europe and China

Multiple design options

Exclusive and individual customization

The local Austrian newspaper NÖN, featured Christian Döller, founder of GA Heimlift GmbH, on the topic "Career Development...
GA Heimtech Product Experience Center has been grandly unveiled in the spring of 2021, the experience center has different...

GA’s exclusive customization service,

Each elevator is as unique as your home.

GA home elevator design allows a variety of installation methods.
Partial Installation Cases
Shanghai Anlan villa case

Shanghai Anlan villa case

Suzhou Shuanghuwan Garden Haihe Courtyard case

Suzhou Shuanghuwan Garden Haihe Courtyard case

Suzhou Wharf State Guest No. 1 case

Suzhou Wharf State Guest No. 1 case

Shanghai Songjiang landscape four seasons city villa case

Shanghai Songjiang landscape four seasons city villa case

European case one

European case one

European case two

European case two

European case three

European case three


Contact GA to get your exclusive elevator solution.
   Address: Room 2413, Building 1, Lejia Building, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Type of building
 Villas Duplexes Multi-storey houses
Number of floors of the building
2nd floor3rd floor4th floor5th floor6th floor
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