Privacy And Data Security
At GA Heimtech (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., your privacy and security are highly valued. The following is our guide for protecting your personal information, please read it carefully.
GA's Privacy Statement
GA respects your privacy. In our business activities, we collect, store, and use your personal information for specific purposes. We use your information to support and enhance our relationship with you, such as processing your purchase requests, providing services and support, sharing products, services, and company news with you. We do not sell your personal messages. If you have any privacy concerns or concerns, please contact GA. You can also request to browse the personal information you provide us and request modifications, corrections, or deletions. We strive to protect the security of your personal information by applying appropriate measures and processes.

GA can collect information when you interact with us. Collecting information may occur, for example, when you are:
When we provide you with a quotation;
When submitting an order to us;
When we send email notifications.

Contact GA to get your exclusive elevator solution.
   Address: Room 2413, Building 1, Lejia Building, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Type of building
 Villas Duplexes Multi-storey houses
Number of floors of the building
2nd floor3rd floor4th floor5th floor6th floor
 Please read ourPrivacy Policy
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